Going Concern Valuation LLC was founded by Franz H. Ross in October of 2018 and is established is the only Western New York firm that offers valuations in both disciplines of Business Valuation and Real Estate Appraisal.

Franz spent over 20 years in commercial banking before becoming a valuation professional. Franz is also affiliated with Collateral Evaluation Services (CES), of Roswell, Georgia as Director of Business Valuation for this national appraisal services company. CES specializes in being the "Virtual Appraisal Department" for banks from New Hampshire to California. Franz is one of only a handful of appraisers in the U.S. qualified in both real estate appraisal and business valuation. But not only is Franz qualified in both disciplines, he has also provided groundbreaking leadership to both professions:
In 2004 Franz authored an article published in Business Valuation Update which proved the high correlation between gross profit and the selling price for a wide range of business types. It demonstrated that in many cases gross profit correlates better with value than revenues. This article is referenced in the 5th edition (2008) of Valuing a Business, by Shannon Pratt.
In 2011, Franz was primary author (with Adam Alessi, MAI, FRICS) of the Appraisal Journal article, Using TEEM- to Extend Your Reach on the Real Estate/ Business Value Continuum. This article resurrected and refined an excess earnings model (Total Excess Earnings Model or TEEM) which won the 2011 Armstrong/ Kahn award for best article of 2011. Many appraisers across the country use this model in valuing Going Concern type properties, as it provides a platform for accurate asset allocations to real estate, to personal property/ FF&E, and to intangible assets of the business.
in 2017, some 400 valuation professionals attended a Business Valuation Resources webinar titled, Restaurant Valuation: Industry Segments, Trends, and Impact of Real Property. This webinar was written and presented by Franz, and contains the most detailed set of restaurant performance and valuation data ever compiled for the restaurant industry.
Franz specializes in the appraisal of a wide range of going concern properties types, which include hotels, nursing homes, restaurants, golf courses, ski resorts, marinas, power plants, C-stores, funeral homes, health care practices, retail businesses, manufacturing businesses, and many others. Franz also values businesses that do not have a real estate component.